Home Water Conservation

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Home Water Conservation

l Repair any leaks in your toilets.

l To reduce the water required to flush, put a quart plastic bottle of water in the tank and save one quart per flush or adjust the float level.

l Replace your old toilet if it was manufactured before 1992.

l Take showers instead of tub baths and limit shower time.

l Install a flow-control device in your showers.

l Don’t use your clothes washing machine with less than a full load or use a lower water-level setting.

l Pretreat stains to avoid rewashing.

l Use a pan of water when peeling and cleaning vegetables and fruits rather than letting the sink tap run.

l Don’t run the tap to get cold water. Keep a bottle of water in the refrigerator for drinking.

l Don’t thaw frozen foods with running tap water.

l Run the dishwasher only when it is completely full.

l Water the lawn less frequently and only at night.

l Install an automatic sprinkler system, which is much more water efficient than hand watering.

l Remove weeds promptly – they rob other plants of water.

l Mow less – mowing puts grass under stress, which makes it need more water.

l Mulch shrubs and garden plants to retain moisture in the soil longer.

With the current water shortage, lack of rain and the fires it has become increasingly important to conserve as much water as possible.  Please be kind and watch your water usage.